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This book is not an easy read, being a work of reference aimed at so many South Africans that refuse to acknowledge the obvious and the truth. This is that we have become another African failed State with an incapable and despotic Government, whose continued means of retaining power depends on unaffordable patronage above all else. Thus we hurtle towards disintegration and traumatic anarchism. Many years of difficult research into Government and its structure were necessary, and several comments are included by other experts to broaden my conclusions.
Index and Synopsis to Saving South Africa
0. Introduction.
1. The Conundrum of History.
2. A Brief History of Southern Africa up to The Boer Wars. Southern Black Tribal migrations, and Northwards by the Boers. (Afrikaner). Their meeting in the middle, and the start of British Colonialism.
3. Post the Second Boer War up to 1994. From Colonialism to an independent State within the British Commonwealth, on to a full Republic with too little Democratic representation for all its peoples.
4. The Changing of the Guard. One person, one vote, brings the African National Congress to power with a fully Democratic Constitution and Mandela’s/Tutu’s promise of the Rainbow Nation.
The New South Africa in Southern Africa (1990)
5. South Africa’s History From 1995 to 1999 under President Mandela (Madiba). The fault lines begin to show!
Mandela’s Smile by Breyten Breytenbach first published by Harper’s Magazine
6. Our Next Three Presidents – Mbeki, Motlanthe, Zuma
An Ode to President Jacob Zuma by an unknown author
Zuma’s Final Insult to a Battered Nation by Alex Eliseev first published by Eyewitness News
7. The Fifth and current South African President.
A False Dawn? By Wikkel Spies. He shares so eloquently my and many others fears!
The Ramaphosa Enigma by Jeremy Gordin first published by PoliticsWeb
Ramaphosa, The Oblivious by Gareth van Onselen of SAIRR
8. Today, In the First Half of 2020. The perils facing the world at large, and therefor South Africa as well.
9. What Now? That is the question about the three major in-house issues we face: Racial Hatred, a collapsing Economy, and EWC.
10. Our Economy Now. Only merit appointments are required in the future, with no legislated BEE, let alone RET.
11. Racial Hatred. Is it not just an easy excuse for mistakes, however imaginary?
Tell Us Why by Amanda Botha
Race No Longer a Proxy for Dis/Advantage by John Kane Berman first published by PoliticsWeb
12. Land Redistribution and Expropriation Without Compensation. (EWC).
Whose Land is it anyway? By Andrew Kenny of the SAIRR
13. Is Ramaphosa The Needed Leader?
Can You Take Ramaphosa at His Word? By John Kane Berman first published by Politics Web
14. Democracy vs Socialism
15. The Reconstruction of Government, The next ten chapters seek to briefly suggest corrections and consolidations as opposed to the utter mess of too many Ministerial departments, with both ministers and bureaucrats mostly incompetent and dishonest from the top down.
a) The Presidency
16. The National Treasury
17. Law and Order, Police and, Defence Force.
a) Police Force
b) Metro Police
c) Overall Defence Force. Do we need, and can we afford all of them.
d) Army
e) Navy
f) Air Force
18. Department of Education.
Breaking The SADTU Protection Racket by Andrew Kenny first published by Politics Web
a) Basic Schooling
b) Tertiary Education
Why The ANC Cannot Deliver Better Higher Education by Belinda Bozzoli
c) Arts and Culture
d) Sport
e) Science and Technology
19. Agriculture and Rural Development.
a) Rural Development and Land Reform
Investment in Agriculture by Ann Bernstein first published in PoliticsWeb
A Letter to the President by Nick Serfontein
20. Environmental Affairs, Fisheries, and Forestry.
a) Forestry
b) Fisheries
21. International Relations and Cooperation plus Various Others.
A) Foreign Affairs
B) Home Affairs
C) Housing and Public Works.
a) Public Works
b) Water and Sanitation
D) Mineral Resources and Energy.
22. A) Communications, Digital and Telecommunications.
B) Employment and Labou.r
C) Trade and Industry.
D) Transport.
E) Woman, Youth, the Disabled, and Racial Harmony.
23. A) Public Service, Administration, Governance, and Traditional Affairs.
B) Health.
C) Tourism
D) Social Development.
E) Justice, Constitutional Development, and Correctional Services.
24. State Owned Enterprises.
The Story of Eskom by the Editor of, and first published, by Biznews
How Eskom Was Laid Low by Andrew Kenny first published by PoliticsWeb
25. Institutions of Government.
26. A Final Summary of What Must Change.
27. Annexures.
The Struggle for Equality in South Africa by FW de Klerk
This Criminal Enterprise by David Bullard first published by PoliticsWeb
What The Hell Now? By David Bullard first published by PoliticsWeb